Thanks all our donors and volunteers, as of September the 7th, you have helped us to:
Last week, volunteers cooked and delivered 1800 hot meals as well as donate raw supplies to: The National Guard, Coast Guard, Doctors and Nurses at GRB and Memorial Herman, and volunteers and evacuees at various shelters
Last weekend, 40+ volunteers worked with a local community center helping demo and clean 8 homes. We now have 40 volunteers now experienced in at least one demo project so that we can partner up with other group/ communities and provide guidance and assistance!
#BlueSmokeBBQ did a fundraiser at the pub and donated everything they made to our cause!
Your donations allowed us to purchase and stuff 250 backpacks for kids staying at the shelters just in time for them to start school Monday.
We are collecting donations for these select items:
strollers, wagons, baby carriers, pack n plays, car-seats
NEW or gently used is okay.
Currently we will work on reaching out to local communities and continue BTHO Harvey with clean up efforts.
We have also been asked to assist with assistance for the Golden Triangle!